
价值分析时应关注哪些数据 Krume Bäcker,巴拿马
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价值分析时应关注哪些数据 Krume Bäcker,巴拿马
发布日期:2025-02-01 07:06    点击次数:136

价值分析时应关注哪些数据 Krume Bäcker,巴拿马



The Krume Bäcker restaurant is located on Costa del Mar Avenue in Panama Province, Panama, and was designed by Mallol in 2024. This restaurant deeply integrates the traditional Austrian baking culture with the local characteristics of Panama. In terms of interior and exterior decoration design, it fully embodies the perfect unity of tradition, sustainability and modern design.

Krume Bäcker 餐厅位于巴拿马巴拿马省的科斯塔德尔马尔大路,于 2024 年由 Mallol 研究完成。这家餐厅将奥地利的传统烘焙文化与巴拿马当地特质深度交融,在室表里讳饰装修研究上,充分体现了传统、可捏续性与当代研究的无缺调治。

From the perspective of the choice of building materials, the restaurant is full of regional characteristics and environmental protection concepts. The restaurant's bar and walls are built with compacted earth, a traditional Panamanian construction technique. This local and simple material is not only durable in function, but also unique in aesthetics. The natural color and texture of the earth create an atmosphere of harmony with nature, which complements the simplicity and natural concept of the restaurant. Moreover, the cooperation with local craftsmen during the production process not only ensures the exquisite craftsmanship, but also strengthens its cultural connotation, allowing traditional construction skills to be passed on in modern restaurants.


The restaurant's furniture is also a highlight. Custom-made by Mallol Lifestyle Studio, the furniture is made of wood recycled from the main lakes of Panama. These woods are carefully salvaged and carry the environmental significance of resource reuse. Every piece of furniture, whether it is a table or chair, cleverly combines traditional craftsmanship with modern design, adding a warm atmosphere to the restaurant while telling the story of resource rebirth and practicing ecological responsibility.

餐厅的产品相通亮点统统。由 Mallol Lifestyle Studio 定制的产品,选用从巴拿马主要湖泊回收的木柴。这些木柴经过经心打捞,承载着资源再期骗的环保意思意思。每一件产品,不管是桌椅,齐将传统工艺与当代研究感奥妙交融,在为餐厅增添仁爱氛围的同期,敷陈着资源更生的故事,践行着生态包袱。

In terms of spatial layout, Krume Bäcker fully considers the diverse needs of customers. The flexible space design can not only meet customers' needs for quick purchase of baked goods, but also provide them with a comfortable environment for leisurely dining. The open aisles are convenient for customers to move around freely, and the reasonable seating arrangement allows customers to find a suitable seat whether dining alone or for a group. This community-oriented design breaks the sense of alienation between people in modern urban life and makes the restaurant a place for social interaction.

在空间布局方面,Krume Bäcker 充分酌量到顾主的千般化需求。生动的空间研究,既能得志顾主快速购买烘焙食物的需求,也能为他们提供泄气用餐的应许环境。豁达的通谈便于顾主目田穿梭,合理的座位编排,不管是单东谈主就餐仍是多东谈主约聚齐能找到符合的位置。这种以社区为导向的研究,摧折了当代齐市活命中东谈主与东谈主之间的疏离感,让餐厅成为东谈主们应付互动的阵势。

Lighting design is also an important part of restaurant decoration. The lighting focuses on the restaurant’s core product – bread, which not only highlights the characteristics of bread and strengthens the restaurant’s brand image, but also creates a warm and attractive dining atmosphere, attracting customers’ attention and stimulating their appetite.

灯光研究亦然餐厅讳饰的首要一环。灯光聚焦在餐厅的中枢产品 —— 面包上,不仅隆起了面包的特质,强化了餐厅的品牌形象,还营造出温馨诱东谈主的就餐氛围,蛊惑顾主的眼神,刺激食欲。

From the overall style point of view, the restaurant adopts neutral tones, which simulate the natural colors in the baking process, creating a tranquil and pleasant space atmosphere. From the organic texture of the earthen wall to the simple lines of the furniture, every detail is closely coordinated to form a unified and harmonious design whole.


Krume Bäcker restaurant meets the needs of modern urbanites through unique interior and exterior decoration design, while respecting tradition and protecting the environment. It is not only a restaurant that provides delicious baked goods, but also a unique space that carries culture, promotes communication and practices sustainable development.

Krume Bäcker 餐厅通过独到的室表里讳饰装修研究,在尊重传统、保护环境的基础上,得志了当代齐市东谈主的需求。它不仅是一家提供可口烘焙食物的餐厅,更是一个承载文化、促进疏浚、践行可捏续发展的独到空间。







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